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La bryologie chez nos voisins européens
association bryologique :
European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes (ECCB): http://eccbbryo.nhmus.hu/node/4check-list :
- Ros, R. M., Mazimpaka, V., Abou-Salama, U., Aleffi, M., Blockeel, T. L., Brugues, M., Cano, M. J., Cros, R. M., Dia, M. G., Dirkse, G. M., El Saadawi, W., Erdag, A., Ganeva, A., Gonzalez-Mancebo, J. M., Herrnstadt, I., Khalil, K., Kurschner, H., Lanfranco, E., Losada-Lima, A., Refai, M. S., Rodriguez-Nunez, S., Sabovljevic, M., Sergio, C., Shabbara, H., Sim-sim, M. & Söderström, L. 2007. Hepatics and Anthocerotes of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie, 28(4): 351-437.
- Ros, R.M., Mazimpaka, V., Abou-Salama, U., Aleffi, M., Blockeel, T.L., Brugues, M., Cros, R.M., Dia, M.G., Dirkse, G.M., Draper, I., El-Saadawi, W., Erdag, A., Ganeva, A., Gabriel, R., Gonzalez-Mancebo, J.M., Granger, C., Herrnstadt, I., Hugonnot, V., Khalil, K., Kuerschner, H., Losada-Lima, A., Luis, L., Mifsud, S., Privitera, M., Puglisi, M., Sabovljevic, M., Sergio, C., Shabbara, H.M., Sim-Sim, M., Sotiaux, A., Tacchi, R., Vanderpoorten, A. & Werner, O. 2013. Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie, 34(2): 99-28.
- Hodgetts, N.G. 2015. Checklist and country status of European bryophytes – towards a new Red List for Europe. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 84. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ireland. 125 p.
ECCB_European working list of mosses : excel file
ECCB_European working list of liverworts : excel file
flore :
- Schumacker R. & Vána J., 2005. Identification keys to the Liverworts and Hornworts of Europe and Macaronesia (Distribution and Status). Sorus Publishing & Printing House, 186 p.
association bryologique :
Bryologisch-lichenologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mitteleuropa (BLAM) (The Bryological and Lichenological Working Group of Central Europe) : http://www.blam-hp.eu/home_en.htmlcheck-list :
- Ludwig, G., Düll, R., Philippi, G., Ahrens, M., Caspari, S., Koperski, M., Lütt, S., Schulz, F. & Schwab, G, 1996. Rote Liste der Moose (Anthocerophyta et Bryophyta) Deutschlands. Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde 28: 189–306.
atlas :
flore :
check-list :
- Grims, F. & Köckinger, H. 1999. Rote Liste gefährdeter Laubmoose (Musci) Österreichs. 2. Fassung. In: Niklfeld, H. et al., Rote Listen gefährdeter Pflanzen Österreichs. Wien, Grüne Reihe des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Jugend und Familie, pp. 157–171.
- Saukel, J. & Köckinger, H. 1999. Rote Liste gefährdeter Lebermoose (Hepaticae) und Hornmoose (Anthocerotae) Österreichs. 2. Fassung. In: Niklfeld, H. et al., Rote Listen gefährdeter Pflanzen Österreichs. Wien, Grüne Reihe des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Jugend und Familie, pp. 172–179.
atlas :
flore :
- Grims, F. 1999. Die Laubmoose Osterreichs. Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 418 p.
check-list :
- Sotiaux, A. & Vanderpoorten, A. 2001. Check-list of the bryophytes of Belgium. Belgian Journal of Botany 134 (2): 97–120.
- Sotiaux, A., Stieperaere, H. & Vanderpoorten, A. 2007. Bryophyte checklist and European Red List of the Brussels-Capital Region, Flanders and Wallonia (Belgium). Belgian Journal of Botany 140 (2): 174–196.
atlas :
flore :
association bryologique :
Spanish Bryological Society (Sociedad Española de BriologÃa) : http://www.uam.es/informacion/asociaciones/SEBcheck-list :
atlas :
flore :
- Casas C., Brugués M., Cros R. M. & Sérgio C., 2006. Handbook of mosses of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands: illustrated keys to genera and species. Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Seccio de Ciences Biologiques, Barcelona. 349 p.
- Casas C., Brugués M., Cros R. M. & Sérgio C., 2009. Handbook of liverworts and hornworts of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands: illustrated keys to genera and species. Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Seccio de Ciences Biologiques, Barcelona. 177 p.
- Guerra J. & Ros R.M., 2007. Flora Briofitica Ibérica. Volumen I. Universidad de Murcia, Sociedad Española de Briologia, Murcia. 183 p.
- Guerra J., Cano M.J. & Ros R.M., 2006. Flora Briofitica Ibérica. Volumen III. Universidad de Murcia, Sociedad Española de Briologia, Murcia. 305 p.
- Guerra J., Brugues M., Cano M.J. & Ros R.M., 2010. Flora Briofitica Ibérica. Volumen IV. Universidad de Murcia, Sociedad Española de Briologia, Murcia. 317 p.
check-list :
- Hill, M.O., Blackstock, T.H., Long, D.G. & Rothero, G.P. 2008. A checklist and census catalogue of British and Irish bryophytes updated 2008. Middlewich, British Bryological Society.
- Lockhart, N., Hodgetts, N.G. & Holyoak, D.T. 2012a. Rare and threatened bryophytes of Ireland. Belfast, Ulster Museum. (includes Red List).
- Lockhart, N., Hodgetts, N. & Holyoak, D. 2012b. Ireland Red List No. 8. Bryophytes. Mosses, liverworts & hornworts. Dublin, National Parks & Wildlife Service.
atlas :
flore :
- Atherton I.D.M., Bosanquet S.D.S. & Llawley M., 2010. Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland: a field guide. British Bryological Society. 856 p.
- Paton J.A., 1999. The liverwort flora of the British Isles. Harley Books, Colchester. 626 p.
- Porley R., 2008. Arable Bryophytes : A field guide to the mosses, liverworts and hornworts of cultivated land in Britain and Ireland. WILDGuides, Old Basing, Hampshire. 140 p.
- Smith A.J.E., 1978. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 796 p.
- Smith A.J.E., 1990. The Liverworts of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 362 p.
- Smith A.J.E., 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1024 p.
check-list :
- Aleffi, M. 2005. New check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Italy. Flora Mediterranea 15: 485–566.
- Cortini-Pedrotti, C. 1992. Check-list of the mosses of Italy. Flora Mediterranea 2: 119–221.
atlas :
flore :
- Cortini Pedrotti C., 2001. Flora dei muschi d'Italia, Sphagnopsida, Andreaeopsida, Bryopsida (I parte). Antonio Delfino Editore. 817 p.
- Cortini Pedrotti C., 2006. Flora dei muschi d'Italia, Bryopsida (II parte). Antonio Delfino Editore. 418 p.
check-list :
- Werner, J. 2003. Liste rouge des bryophytes du Luxembourg. Mesures de conservation et perspectives. Ferrantia 35: 1–71.
- Werner, J. 2014. Check-list et liste rouge des bryophytes du Luxembourg.
association bryologique :
Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society (BLWG) : http://www.blwg.nl/check-list :
- Siebel, H.N., During, H.J. & van Melick, H.M.H. 2005. Veranderingen in de Standaardlijst van de Netherlandse blad-, lever- en hauwmossen [Checklist of Dutch bryophytes and liverworts] Buxbaumiella 73: 26–54.
- Siebel, H.N., Bijlsma, R.J. & Bal, D. 2006. Toelichting op de Rode Lijst Mossen. Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and food quality, report DK2006/034.
atlas :
flore :
check-list :
atlas :
flore :
- Casas C., Brugués M., Cros R. M. & Sérgio C., 2006. Handbook of mosses of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands: illustrated keys to genera and species. Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Seccio de Ciences Biologiques, Barcelona. 349 p.
- Casas C., Brugués M., Cros R. M. & Sérgio C., 2009. Handbook of liverworts and hornworts of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands: illustrated keys to genera and species. Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Seccio de Ciences Biologiques, Barcelona. 177 p.
association bryologique :
British Bryological Society : http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/bbs/bbs.htmcheck-list :
atlas :
flore :
- Atherton I.D.M., Bosanquet S.D.S. & Llawley M., 2010. Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland: a field guide. British Bryological Society. 856 p.
- Paton J.A., 1999. The liverwort flora of the British Isles. Harley Books, Colchester. 626 p.
- Porley R., 2008. Arable Bryophytes : A field guide to the mosses, liverworts and hornworts of cultivated land in Britain and Ireland. WILDGuides, Old Basing, Hampshire. 140 p.
- Smith A.J.E., 1978. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 796 p.
- Smith A.J.E., 1990. The Liverworts of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 362 p.
- Smith A.J.E., 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 1024 p.
association bryologique :
Swiss Association of Bryology and Lichenology : http://www.bryolich.ch/index_en.htmlcheck-list :
atlas :
flore :
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